The Ultimate Gift Buying Guide For Everyone On Your List
Giving and receiving gifts during the holidays is great fun. What’s not always quite so much fun is choosing those gifts—especially if your list of recipients includes some people who are simply hard to buy for. Sometimes, you need a fresh burst of ideas to help you...
Transform Your Mobile Home Dining Room For The Holidays
So the holidays are almost in full swing and you’re already expecting some company. Are you feeling a little nervous or overwhelmed? Or are you here because you know you have to face the holidays but you’d like some tips?Wherever you stand, we’ve got your back. In no...
Cheery Mobile Home Decor That Will Last All Winter Long
While some holiday “purists” may frown upon the idea of leaving Christmas decorations up throughout the winter — once the holidays are but a memory from the past — we think differently. Do the Christmas decorations need to come down the day after the holiday?...
The Mobile Home Survival Guide For First-Time Holiday Hosts
Are you a first-time host this holiday season? Maybe you’re a newlywed and this is your first time inviting your friends and family into your mobile home for a party. What do you do? Hit the panic button? Maybe you’ve seriously considered calling the whole thing off....