Partnership | What It Is & Why It Matters When Selling Your Mobile Home
Selling a mobile home involves a lot of people. You could find yourself working with a lawyer, real estate agent, and even your park’s owner. But the most important partnership in a sale is the one between you and the buyer. It’s important that both you and the buyer...
FAQ: Is It Worth Flipping A Mobile Home?
It’s time for another frequently asked question! This week we’re talking about whether flipping a mobile home is worth it. Time-wise, money-wise, is flipping a mobile home a project that will make you money? Maybe you’re even wondering if you could make a business out...
What’s The Big Deal About Mobile Home Investing?
Whether you have researched housing investments in general or mobile home investing specifically, chances are, you have come across more than one expert singing the industry’s praises. In this article, we want to give you the lowdown on mobile home investing....
7 Important Things To Consider Before Buying Mobile Homes To Rent Out
Are you looking at buying mobile homes to rent out? While it seems like a great investment opportunity, it’s important that you consider a few things before you get started. It’s not that we think renting out mobile homes is a bad idea. On the contrary, we think it...