What Is The Cost To Remove A Manufactured Home & How To Budget

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Are you hoping to remove a manufactured home from your property or mobile home lot? The aim of this post is to help you figure out the cost to remove a manufactured home. In pulling together this information, we hope to make the way a little smoother and clearer for you. By breaking down each option along with costs, you’ll get a better idea of what you ought to do in removing your manufactured home.

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Every option is different and may or may not work for your specific situation. After we examine each, we’ll look at how to budget for the cost to remove a manufactured home

The different ways to remove a mobile home

So let’s look at the various options available to you: demolition, deconstruction, hauling it away, donating it, and selling it.


Let’s define our terms here. Demolition means the act of disconnecting utilities and destroying the entire home to have it hauled off to a landfill. In essence, the mobile home is smashed. The smashed remains are taken away. To demolish a mobile home, it can cost around $4 per square foot.

Sell My Mobile Home Fast link


To deconstruct a mobile home, the home is taken apart methodically. This allows for the reuse or resale of pieces. Many of the parts salvaged include windows, doors, and sometimes even flooring. It will generally cost around $2600 to salvage a mobile home.

Deconstructing is a greener method of removing your mobile home in contrast to demolition. You can make a little extra money on the side while keeping much of your home from piling up in the landfill.

Haul it away

Another way to handle the removal of your manufactured home is to simply haul it away from your property. You can haul it away to a dump that accepts mobile homes. Or you can move it to another property to make use of it.

A big truck driving on the freeway

It can cost between $2000 to $5000 to move a mobile home less than one hundred miles away.

Donate it

Donating your mobile home to charity or to your local fire department for training purposes is a great way to give back while removing it. Of course, a charitable organization will only take it if the home is inhabitable. And a fire department will accept it under certain parameters.

This will cost you nothing if the people you donate it to agree to take it off your hands and deal with removal costs.

Sell it

Finally, you could decide to sell your manufactured home. In doing this, it becomes the buyer’s responsibility to deal with the cost of removing the manufactured home. This should come at no charge to you. In the contract, ensure to lay out that the buyer must remove it from the lot or the property it sits on at the time of purchase.

Factors to consider in your budget

Now let’s talk about other things to factor in as you figure the cost to remove a manufactured home from your property.


There is a fee that comes with the required inspection(s). Before and after you move your home, it will need to be inspected so that you can obtain the necessary permit(s) to move it from location to another. An inspection may not be mandatory in your state. Reach out to your local government for more information on this.


Another cost to factor in is the cost of a contractor. You’ll need a mobile home moving contractor to handle the removal of your mobile home. If you wish to install it elsewhere, you’ll also need to calculate the cost of having someone install the mobile home. Reach out to a mobile home moving company and ask for a quote. We mentioned above how much it might cost to move it.


There will be a fee for the landfill to dispose of your mobile home (or whatever is left of it.) Call up your local landfill and ask them how much you’re looking at spending for the job. Every landfill will have different fees.

A compactor on a landfill


Now let’s talk permits. We alluded to this in the section on inspections. As you pass inspections, you’ll get a thumbs up to attain a permit. You’ll need a permit to move your mobile home. Contact your local government to see what sort of permit is required of you and to see about the costs. Permits can range from $100 to $400 or more. It all depends on your location.

Contingency plan

In any budget, a contingency plan is important. This gives you a bit of breathing room should something unexpected happen — like discovering that you forgot to account for some other necessary cost.

Weigh all the options, remove your home with success

As you can see, you have many options at your disposal (pun intended). With each, the cost to remove a manufactured home differs. To some, cost may not be the primary object. Rather than cost, the immediacy of having it gone is a priority. Weigh the pros and cons of all the options available to you.

We mentioned mobile home demolition as an option for removing a mobile home. Here, you’ll find a guide we’ve written to help you understand what goes into the different options for mobile home demolition.

About Dan Paton

Dan Paton has been working full-time in this field for over a decade. Both him and his partner, Dan Leighton, formed EZ Homes back in 2006 and have seen explosive growth ever since. Dan works heavily in the administrative role within the organization. He is a jack of all trades type of guy. Dan and his wife have 4 children.

Written by Dan Paton

Dan Paton has been working full-time in this field for over a decade. Both him and his partner, Dan Leighton, formed EZ Homes back in 2006 and have seen explosive growth ever since. Dan works heavily in the administrative role within the organization. He is a jack of all trades type of guy. Dan and his wife have 4 children.

February 12, 2019

