Relocating when you’re single is challenging enough, but finding somewhere to settle your family sometimes feels impossible! We’re here to help. As you look at different family mobile home parks, there are some things you should consider. We’ve outlined them below.
General tips
Just to make sure you’re aware, here are a few general tips to keep in mind during your search.
#1 Search outside the box
Yes, you might find something in the newspaper, but there are so many more resources available to you now. Get references from friends. Check online at websites like and At, you can search for mobile home parks and communities. And at you can find available homes and get more information about their parks below each listing.
#2 Search within your budget
This means that if you haven’t already, you need to calculate the maximum amount you can afford to spend on lot rent, utilities, and rent/mortgage payments. If you go out looking before you know your budget, you might be tempted to sign a lease for someplace like Paradise Cove.
#3 Shop around and ask questions
Don’t settle for the first park you find. If you think you’ve found “the one,” take time to ask the park manager some important questions before you sign a lease. Ask current residents what they think. Most importantly, make sure your family has had the opportunity to look around. They might pick up on things you didn’t notice.
Of course, if you keep in mind the list below, the park you find should meet everyone’s needs.
How to choose between different family mobile home parks
Evaluate the living conditions
The way that the other residents in the park live and maintain their homes is a big clue to what you can expect. Even if you know that you will live differently, your neighbor’s habits will eventually affect you.
It might seem silly, but when you’re on the grounds, stop and close your eyes. What do you hear? You might be able to block it out now, but later, when you’re living around those noises all the time, you might be surprised what annoys you. Do you hear a lot of dogs? Is there a train track nearby? Maybe the park, in general, is really noisy. While noise from kids isn’t surprising in a family mobile home park, you don’t want excess noise disrupting your family time or your baby’s naptime.
Next, take a sniff. Does the park smell like a sewer? Perhaps it’s located near a filtration plant. Or how about garbage? If so, you might open your eyes and realize that the park needs to take out the trash more often.
Lastly, look around. Do you have any concerns about your children living and playing here? Is this the type of community you want your children to grow up in? Talk to a few people and get their take on the living situation. Remember, once you sign the lease, you could be locked-in for quite awhile.
Look at the amenities
This should be pretty easy to check before you even step foot on the property. Most mobile home communities will list their amenities on their website, or realtors will list them to increase the appeal of the home they’re advertising. Check to see if they have family-friendly amenities or at least the ones your family will enjoy. If there are some that you’re really looking forward to, be sure to ask to see them when you take your tour. The swimming pool from the 1980s might not be exactly what you had pictured. Or you might find that their game room with its torn carpet and smelly stains is missing all the games.
We don’t want to sound all doom and gloom. Some parks may pleasantly surprise you. You might find that their laundry facilities or mini market are great features during unexpected emergencies. Or perhaps your kids will be thrilled by the size of their playground. Some parks really go all out to accommodate their residents!
Consider proximity
When you’re looking for mobile home parks, make sure they’re conveniently located near places of importance. Is it near your child’s school? Where is the nearest hospital? Nearest grocery store? Try to think of the places you visit on a daily or weekly basis and see if they’re within a reasonable distance of the parks you’re considering.
Take a look at safety
Different families have different standards of safety. We won’t dictate what you should think is safe, just make sure you’re comfortable with the safety measures in place. It could be helpful to see if the mobile home park has an evacuation plan if you’re living in a storm watch area. Or maybe you want to know if there’s a neighborhood watch or gated security. Take time to think through what makes you feel safe so you can ask the right questions.
Ask about the rules
Is your family planning to relocate your furry friend as well? If so, make sure the mobile home park you’re interested in allows pets. You may need to check how many pets and if there is a size limit as well.
Not all mobile home parks are family-friendly. And that doesn’t mean they’re breaking any discrimination laws. The Fair Housing Act has a “senior housing” designation to make sure there is appropriate and adequate housing for retirees. Most parks advertise this clearly, but if you don’t see phrases like, “all ages welcome” or “family-friendly”, then it doesn’t hurt to ask if your family is welcome.
Check out the park’s other rules to ensure they don’t cramp your family’s lifestyle.
Time to start looking!
In your search for a place to call home, you may find other criteria that are important to you and your loved ones. That’s great! We hope we’ve pointed you in the right direction so you can evaluate different family mobile home parks and find the best fit! If you’re wondering what mobile home ownership entails, here’s a checklist you should walk through at least once a year.