Get To Know The Manufactured Housing Division In Your State

Get To Know The Manufactured Housing Division In Your State - Featured image

Wherever you are in the U.S. there’s a manufactured housing division in your state. It’s important that you know what they’re about and how to reach them. Here’s why.

Get To Know The Manufactured Housing Division In Your State - Featured image

The purpose of your state’s manufactured housing division

In the event that you don’t get to know your state’s manufactured housing division, you may face some serious problems.

Permit information

You may need information about permits relevant to your manufactured home division. Each division may have various rules on installation, relocation, or renovation. Regulations may vary from place to place. They will more than likely have rules and regulations in addition to the federal HUD code. If so, it’s critical that you meet these requirements. Failure to do so may result in fines or being unable to sell your home in the future.


On top of permits, inspections may be a need for your mobile home. Whether it’s in the factory, being installed on site or in regards to a remodel, the state may need to keep tabs along the way. The goal is to ensure your home does not pose a danger to you or your community.

In an effort to help homeowners, manufactured housing divisions may keep a list of state-licensed installers. This will help as you make calls for your mobile home’s installation.

Arizona’s manufactured housing division’s website provides residents with the inspector’s contact info. A handy list of frequently asked questions is also available.

Health and safety

By and large, these permit requirements are part of your manufactured housing division’s purpose. They are responsible to provide a healthy and safe environment. You and your neighbors are to respect these rules.

Because your state’s manufactured housing division handles the issuing of certification labels to manufacturers, they carry a big responsibility. The division is to ensure that these homes built in your state meet the standards of safety, quality, and energy efficiency.

Sign - Goggles must be worn

An advocate

Moreover, you may need intervention and an advocate in the unfortunate event that your mobile home is not what the seller depicted. Maybe the plumbing is all wrong, contrary to the seller’s claims. The manufactured housing division is ready to provide help in settling this matter. You must follow your state division’s direction in filing a complaint.

Remodeling must play by the rules

This division is an important contact for mobile home remodel projects too.

In the state of Washington, the manufactured housing division provides a useful list of what remodels would need a permit. Because permits are the norm, it does not mean a permit is required for every type of project you may take on.

Beware, the type of permit you would invest in is contingent on the location of your work. In Washington state, if your electrical work is outdoors, you’ll need an electrical permit. If your electrical work is indoors, you’ll be required to apply for a manufactured home permit.

Depending on the nature of your remodel and how much change is made to the original home structure, you are required to submit a plan. This plan must undergo approval before you press forward with the remodel.

Zoning information

This state department will also provide information about your location’s wind zone. You need to know what to look for in regards to a sturdy mobile home. Different mobile homes are constructed to meet the requirements of different wind zones. If you’re in tornado country, you don’t want a mobile home built for gentle winds.

Further, take care that you explain exactly where you’re looking to put your mobile home site. A state may have more than one wind zone and carry different standards for each.

A manufactured housing division by any other name…

Name tag

From state to state, the name of your manufactured housing division may vary. Some divisions carry names making clear their work with manufactured housing. Other share vague titles.

In California, there’s The Division of Codes and Standards Manufactured Housing Section. If you live in Idaho, you’ll be working with the Department of Labor and Industrial Services. Louisiana’s manufactured homes are taken care of by the State Fire Marshal’s Office. Missourians reach out to the Manufactured Housing and Modular Units Program. Over in South Dakota, mobile home owners deal with the simply put Department of Public Safety Inspection Program.

Find out who you need to contact in your state

Whether you’re looking for zoning information or gearing up to start a big mobile home remodel project, you’ll be glad you made contact with your state HUD Code Agency first. If you need help figuring out who’s in charge of your state’s manufactured housing division, we know of a good place to search. NADA Guides provides an excellent and thorough list of state HUD agencies.

We’ve mentioned permits and foundations. Have you read our overview of the Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing?

About Dan Leighton

Dan Leighton has been working in the mobile home industry for over a decade. His focus has been on sales and customer relations - making sure each person in the transaction is comfortable and fully transparent. He has a wife and one son. Dan continues to look for innovative ways to help both sellers and parks get the most bang for their buck.

Written by Dan Leighton

Dan Leighton has been working in the mobile home industry for over a decade. His focus has been on sales and customer relations - making sure each person in the transaction is comfortable and fully transparent. He has a wife and one son. Dan continues to look for innovative ways to help both sellers and parks get the most bang for their buck.

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February 13, 2018

