When you think of mobile home marketing, you may not know where to begin. Have you thought about making your park more attractive? An attractive park will be more likely to snag new tenants than one that’s dingy and visibly unappealing.
For the potential tenant, you want to attract people who will enhance your park — not detract from it. Mobile home park web design and marketing agencies can help. So as you labor in your marketing efforts, consider what will make your park more attractive to your target audience.
Mobile home marketing: 11 things that make your park attractive
To help you with your mobile home marketing, we came up with 11 things that can make your park attractive. Some of these ideas won’t work for certain parks and that’s OK. Feel free to adapt these suggestions or find inspiration for new ideas.
1 – Clean yards
First on our list is the obvious — clean yards surrounding each home in your park. Your lease agreement should require a certain level of cleanliness.
Apart from a lease, the work to encourage your community to embrace cleanliness is on you. You need to be the example and show them what pride of ownership looks like. Dave Reynolds from the REI Club goes into this concept with more depth. He breaks down some practical ways to encourage your community to take pride in their homes. Regardless of your park’s financial demographic, anyone can take pride in their homes.
2 – Green space
To be sure, green space is a huge win. It’s not only a lovely aesthetic. It’s also good for the environment and your community’s health.
Green space is advantageous for many reasons. Areas with foliage and trees act as a filter to the pollution and dust that permeates our air. Erosion is also kept at bay thanks to green spaces.
The air quality of an area with green space is improved significantly according to Project Evergreen.
3 – A community center
In any mobile home park, a community center is a wonderful addition. If your park has one, see about livening it up a bit. A fresh coat of paint or rebuffing the floor may be in order.
If you don’t have a community center, do you have space to build one? Maybe that’s out of the budget, but how about a large gazebo-like structure in your green space?
4 – Landscaping
Fourth, we have landscaping. Freshen up the green around the sidewalks. Plant low maintenance shrubs and flowers to increase the park’s aesthetic — especially around the park’s entranceway.
5 – Friendly management
Next on our list, we have friendly management. Give potential tenants a good impression by providing five-star service in their interactions with you.
But don’t do it then only. Make it a habit to be professional and courteous. People can spot a fake, so be sincere. Treat all your tenants with respect, going overboard to ensure everyone gets quality service.
6 – Prompt responses to inquiries from prospective and current tenants
In keeping with the previous idea for mobile home marketing, be prompt to give your present and future park members the attention they deserve. Don’t dilly dally on replying to them or returning their calls.
People don’t like having to chase down their landlord.
7 – Litter pick up
One striking similarity in parks that cultivate the dingy persona of mobile homes is that litter is everywhere. Organize a neighborhood litter pick up and finish the day off with a cookout or something of the like. Of course, you’ll want to make sure that post-cookout trash makes its way into the trash bin!
8 – Easy payment collection
Streamline your mobile home park with apps to collect payment and provide easy avenues of communication between tenants and management. This can be an appealing mention in your mobile home marketing spiel.
9 – Clean vacant homes
Those vacant homes in your park need attention too. Don’t neglect the yard and do take the “extra pains” to clean out the inside so it’s ready to be shown!
10 – Swimming pool
Another mobile home marketing perk is a swimming pool. If you have a swimming pool that’s been shut down, see what it takes to get it in working order again. Or consider having it removed. Depending on your park, a swimming pool could be money down the drain or a worthwhile investment.
11 – A fence around the park
Lastly, consider putting up a fence around your park. A fence can add a sense of security for residents by keeping out those who don’t live in the park.
Attractive ideas help with marketing
We hope these ideas help you strategize in making your park more attractive. Mobile home marketing isn’t something you should go into blindly.
If you haven’t bought a park yet, check out the pros and cons of mobile home park investing. Know what you’re getting into before you buy!