Today we have a few low cost, low maintenance mobile home park landscaping ideas for you.
With warmer weather here to stay, you’re surely looking for some ways to freshen up your mobile home park landscaping. We’re all itching to see the beauty of green and flowers in our surroundings.
Mobile home park landscaping ideas
In the following article, you’ll find a variety of landscaping concepts that can be applied to most mobile home parks. We hope they help you solidify some ideas in your landscaping plans.
An entrance sign
An entrance sign for your mobile home park is the first and last impression visitors and potential tenants may have. You certainly do not want to lose out on the opportunity to give them your best. Why not invest in an entrance sign for your mobile home park?
Depending on the image you wish to convey for your park, this will affect your overall design. If you’re neighboring a beach, then a casual beach bum sign could be an option. But if you’re going for a more classy motif, brick and cement always pull together for a sophisticated look.
While it may seem like a menial move right now, later on, you’ll be glad you installed a sign for your mobile home park.
Another fun aspect to this entrance sign is that you can landscape a flower bed around it. This doesn’t have to cost you much. Get your hands on some of the low maintenance plants we’ll be discussing in the following sections.
Put up a flagpole
If you have empty space around your mobile home park community center, a flagpole may add just the right touch to fill up some space in a meaningful way.

Image credit: Darren McGee at My Mobile Home Makeover
Here we have an example of a flagpole with beautiful landscaping from My Mobile Home Makeover. As can be seen, a short block wall was built in a circular shape around the pole, leaving ample room for flowering and non-flowering plants.
Should you decide to fly Old Glory, please be aware of the responsibility involved in flag etiquette. There are certain rules of etiquette you should adhere to in reference to your treatment of the flag.
Retaining walls around trees
Joyce Kilmer penned the flowing words,
“I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.”
It’s true indeed, trees are lovely things. For an extra touch of magic to their natural beauty, you may consider building a retaining wall around select trees in your mobile home park.
This is a great landscaping idea as you’re working with something that’s already there as the foundation of your design.

Image Credit: Kevin Lee Jacobs at A Garden For The House | Delicious Living
In this design by A Garden for the House, you’ll see how they took advantage of otherwise overgrown root space and turned it into a lovely flower bed.
Interestingly, this retaining wall goes only halfway around as the tree is against a hill. What a nice touch. Of worthy note is the fact that this wall is skillfully built without mortar.
Retaining walls can be built from a variety of stone and cement. These retaining walls may also provide a quiet place for people to sit and read a book.
Center island flower beds
For those mobile home park communities with center island spaces for flowers in the middle of the road, this a great place to capitalize on some landscaping.
Choose plants that are native to your area and do well in your zone. This will make maintenance simple for you. Some examples of low maintenance flowers for warm climates such as Florida include Daylily, Amaryllis, Sweet basil, and Rain Lilly. In the Midwest, you’ll find low maintenance plants such as poppy, peony, yarrow, and plantain lilies take well to the climate there.
Don’t forget to add some quality mulch in your flower beds. Mulch doesn’t only look good, it works as a deterrent to weeds. In addition to that, mulch will keep moisture in your flower bed. This is great news for your plants.
Plant lavender
Lavender provides pops of color while giving off a lovely de-stressing aroma. Your tenants will love the effect of lavender on their mental and physical health as the relaxing smell wafts through the air of your mobile home park.
Mobile home park landscaping ideas aren’t just practical, they give your park an air of quality care. The little things you do such as planning lavender can have big effects on your park’s atmosphere.
Rake the leaves
Of all our mobile home park landscaping ideas, this is the most low cost.
Simply taking the time to rake the leaves will have a profound impact on your park’s landscape. It’ll spruce up the place, and speak to the care you have for your park.
Use these ideas to spruce up your mobile home park!
These mobile home park landscaping ideas are only scratching the surface of what can be done. We suggest driving around different neighborhoods and making note of what you like and don’t like. Call up a few garden nurseries, see what they say about low maintenance plants. They’ll know what works for your location better than anyone.
And the excitement doesn’t have to stop at the landscaping of your mobile home park. You can see about some renovation ideas for the mobile homes in your park.