How To Utilize Mobile Home Storage Sheds Around Your Park

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It was our founding father Benjamin Franklin who stated, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” And such is the role of mobile home storage sheds.

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Your park has clutter and you’re feeling the aesthetics of the park is suffering. Well, there’s no need to worry. There IS a solution to that problem and that solution comes in the form of a storage shed for each mobile home lot. With a storage shed on your side, your park will beat the cluttery look in no time at all. With a place to put bicycles and gas cans, the storage shed will quickly become a handy and important part of your park.

How to utilize mobile home storage sheds around your park

But how do you begin integrating mobile home storage sheds? Well, we have a few ideas for you to consider. These ideas range from those that require little to no involvement.

Reach out to companies that build and sell sheds

For a simple solution, you can reach out to someone who is already in the shed building business. Connect with someone who does quality shed construction. Explain that you’re looking for sheds that are easy to move if needed.

Invite this person to send out promotional materials to every mobile home in your park. This will be a win for both you and the company building the sheds. You’ll get a spruced up mobile home park and someone will benefit in their business. And don’t forget – your park residents will also benefit. Who doesn’t like extra storage space and a cleaned up yard?

Pick up a new side business by building sheds

If you’re a very hands-on and do it yourself type of person, this may be a great side hustle. Just think about it – your clients are right in front of you. You’ll need to find some great and simple shed plan options to offer your residents. You can have one to three size selections to offer them.

Contact a local supplier of building materials and explain what you’re up to. You’ll likely be cut a contractor discount on your material purchases.

A wooden shed door

Buy and resell used sheds

As mobile home tenants pack and move away, you can offer to purchase their storage sheds. Then you can turn around and sell them to other tenants. This is another great little side hustle that will require little to no effort on your part.

Park regulations in your lease

But perhaps you don’t want to deal with sheds in any way. Still, you’re dealing with the dilemma of a park with cluttered yards. Well, here’s an idea for you – simply state in your lease that owning a shed is a requirement. That way you’ve put it on the tenant to acquire a shed. To make things easier for your tenant, why not include a list of places where they may acquire a shed?

By placing the responsibility on your tenant, you have one less thing to juggle if you just can’t seem to squeeze an extra side hustle into your schedule. And you’ll also succeed in getting your park to look better than ever before.

Benefits of mobile home storage sheds

By welcoming mobile home storage sheds into your park, you’re doing a great thing. And here’s why.

Keep the yard clutter hidden

Mobile home storage sheds are an excellent means of hiding away the items that are leaning against homes and fences – or worse, lying around the yard. We can’t drive this home enough. A storage shed will give your residents a place to allocate their belongings.

Protect personal property from the elements

In addition to making the park look nice, a storage shed is a great place to protect personal property. Belongings can take only so much of a beating being left out in the weather. By having a safe, dry place to store things, your residents will be all the better for it.

Residents can free up space in their mobile homes

Various colored Christmas decorative ornaments

Who doesn’t have Christmas decorations taking up precious space in their clothing closet? And who isn’t able to use more space?

Another benefit to having a storage shed is the extra space inside the home. This is a winning benefit for any homeowner, that’s certain.

The benefits are plentiful

In closing, mobile home storage sheds can be an incredible asset to any park. But before you jump on board for the big win, make sure you know what you’re doing. Hunt for the best prices and call up your local government to see what restrictions may be in place. It would be frustrating to get storage sheds in place, only to find out they must be taken down.

A clean mobile home park is all about management and not just the storage sheds. What’s your park management style?

About Dan Leighton

Dan Leighton has been working in the mobile home industry for over a decade. His focus has been on sales and customer relations - making sure each person in the transaction is comfortable and fully transparent. He has a wife and one son. Dan continues to look for innovative ways to help both sellers and parks get the most bang for their buck.

Written by Dan Leighton

Dan Leighton has been working in the mobile home industry for over a decade. His focus has been on sales and customer relations - making sure each person in the transaction is comfortable and fully transparent. He has a wife and one son. Dan continues to look for innovative ways to help both sellers and parks get the most bang for their buck.

August 6, 2018

