In the event that you find yourself desirous of selling a mobile home without land, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll take you through the steps to get it off your property. Of course, having a mobile home on your property that you want to part with can be frustrating. Whether you’re in a hurry to sell or no hurry at all, check out the tips we have to offer.
There’s something to be said about the feeling of relief you get when the mobile home is off your property. Once it’s moved, you can propel forward with your plans to tackle the next thing on your to-do list. And who doesn’t love the feeling of productivity and progress?
Selling a mobile home without land
To help you reach your goal of selling a mobile home without land, we’re breaking things down into a step by step process. We’ll start with advertising and take you all the way through the process of helping the buyer get it off your property.
We’ll show you how to sell quickly so you can free up the property for your grand plans, whatever they may be. Let’s start with advertising, shall we? Advertising isn’t something to be daunted by and you’ll see why.
Advertising your mobile home without land
So your aim is selling a mobile home without land. Thanks to the world wide web and print venues, there are plenty of ways to connect with your ideal buyer.
Newspaper classifieds
First, you can consider snagging a newspaper classified ad. This will connect you with people in your area. Ask your newspaper how many subscribers they have — that will give you an idea as to your potential reach with the ad.
Online marketplace
Second, list your mobile home on an online market place. Social media and other resale sites are great ways to connect with the right buyer.
Real estate agent
Alternatively, see if a real estate agent would be willing to help you sell a mobile home without land.
For sale by owner signs
And finally, here’s the idea of setting up “for sale by owner” signs in your yard and on the street corner. Make it clear that it’s a mobile home without land.
Make the sale quick
For those who are in a hurry to sell, a low price and selling “as-is” will help ensure you get a buyer. Investors are often on the prowl for a mobile home deal they can flip. Consider looking up mobile home investors who might be intrigued by what you have to offer. Reach out to mobile home parks — some park owners may have an empty lot they could fill with a mobile home that they will then rent out.
Consider the legal hurdles
Don’t forget to look into legal hurdles. If your mobile home is in the legal description of the property, you can’t sell it without the land. If the mobile home and property are under the same title, tax could prove a challenge. You’ll want to reach out to your county tax office for help with the title issue.
Acquiring a moving company and insurance
Let’s say you finally have an interested party. What now? Selling a mobile home without land requires moving it off the land it currently sits on.
To help your buyer, you could have a couple of quotes lined up for mobile home moving companies and insurance for the home as it’s being moved.
It will be on the buyer to pay for and arrange for a company to move the mobile home. However, if you want to sweeten the deal, you can agree to cover the cost of transportation. But keep in mind the price will increase if you’re looking at a mobile home in the double-wide category. The home will have to travel in two parts. That’s all up to you.
Make sure your buyer is aware of what must take place after the purchase is settled (such as transportation and utilities setup once the mobile home reaches its final destination).
Happy selling!
There you have it — steps to help you get your mobile home off your property. Selling a mobile home without land doesn’t have to be complicated. Make sure you reach out to your local government in an effort to ensure all your proceedings are legal and proper.
We mentioned the sale of a double-wide above. Do you know what it takes to sell a double-wide mobile home? Selling a double-wide mobile home comes with its own set of challenges in finding a buyer. Let us help you find your way in the endeavor.